New Products Management 11-e
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New Products Management 11-e 這本書真的太讚了,你一定要買回來看!!(讚啦......)
New Products Management 11-e 是我在博客來網路書店買的,商品網址如下: 博客來網路書店
1.Strategic elements of the product development. The first part of the text introduces three key concepts (new products process, product innovation charter, and product portfolio) as the three strategic elements of the product development. This unites all the key strategies involved in new product development, and serves as a foundation for all aspects of product development presented in later chapters.
2.Comprehensive coverage of new product development process and practice, such as, designing for the environment and globalization in new product development, prepares students to manage the people and processes from a marketing perspective.
3.Attention on Teams. Understanding of what a team is for and comprehension of team mission and strategy is critical in new products management
4.Cross-functional approach weaved throughout. Non-marketing views are presented as they naturally arise and are not forced into a single chapter. This helps students appreciate the multi-functional nature of product development in each phase of the development process.